Congressman Mark Green Introduces Bill to Ban Purchase of Oil from Russia, Iran, and Venezuela

Mark Green signs legislation


U.S. Representative Mark Green (R-TN-07) on Monday introduced legislation to ban the U.S. from purchasing oil from Russia, Iran, and Venezuela.

Both Democratic and Republican lawmakers have expressed support for banning the purchase of Russian oil amid the country’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine. However, the Biden administration has remained hesitant to make the decision.

Instead, the members of Biden’s team have not denied the idea of purchasing oil from Iran or Venezuela. When asked about financially engaging with Iranian energy, Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg said that all options are “on the table.”

Furthermore, according to a report from The Wall Street Journal, officials are meeting with leaders of Venezuela to discuss exporting oil, despite the fact the regime has been closely aligned with Russia.

However, Green’s legislation would block these transactions. He has consistently argued that American oil and gas production is the best way to decrease dependence on other countries.

“The United States should not be directly or indirectly funding Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine by purchasing their oil and gas. It is critical we stand strong and ban Russian oil. At the same time, it would be outrageous to even consider buying oil from Iran or Venezuela. It’s preposterous that the Biden administration is even considering reviving the Iran Nuclear Deal. It’s past time for us to take advantage of America’s abundant natural resources and become energy independent — and it’s time to cut off tyranny and totalitarianism at the knees around the globe,” Green said in a statement.

Furthermore, Green has spoken out against Biden’s handling of the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

“Vladimir Putin’s end goal has been on display for some time now. Instead of swift, crippling sanctions, the Biden administration chose the wait-and-watch approach. In the midst of destabilizing Russian aggression, the time for action was months ago. We all witnessed Putin’s false flag propaganda play out — just like U.S. intelligence officials predicted. This invasion has been anticipated for weeks,” he said.

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “signing legislation” by Dr. Mark Green.

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6 Thoughts to “Congressman Mark Green Introduces Bill to Ban Purchase of Oil from Russia, Iran, and Venezuela”

  1. Guess he is ok with Saudi Arabian oil. Venezuelan and Iranian oil. Goods from China after they just killed over 6 million people with their manmade virus. I guess he will have a clean conscious knowing that Russian oil is not coming here to America. Another Rhino Republican that is a multi-millionaire who will not be hurt by these sanctions.

  2. Christine Dale

    I will remember your name and if I have a chance will vote to remove you from the house. Vote to have the administration provide permits to land where US companies will find oil. Vote to increase domestic oil productions and permits to pull from land that has oil. Vote to open the pipeline that was being built prior to biden. Vote to stay out of war.

  3. william r. delzell

    I got a better idea: replace our need on fossil fuels with solar, water, and other non-exhaustible clean energy sources. Also, cut back on our dependence with private gas-guzzling automobiles in favor of more mass transit, especially electric and/or rail. We could also reduce gridlock and needless congestion on our highways and streets, making it not only faster to get from point A to point B, but to enable pedestrians to walk more freely without having to worry about any reckless hot-rodder who would mow them and their children down.

  4. Barbara

    The people of Russia are as innocent as the Americans. We can’t help what the evil international cabal does that has taken over our countries. Evidently Mr Green has chosen to help the Great Reset along.

    My guess is that some of those former New Yorkers or Californians who migrated to the place they most ridiculed on the planet when they could have chosen any place in the world to live, just might be behind Mr Green.

  5. David H

    Mark Green should put his constituents first.. America First. Not Ukraine First. Thanks for publicizing that Green wants $6 a gallon gas. Yes to more U.S. oil production but NO to hurting working people. Seriously, poll your constituents. No one I know wants to go to war over corrupt Ukraine.

    1. CMinTN

      Shows whose side they are really on. Hint: it’s not ours. Gravy train grifters…
